Were Jesus and Paul Against Baptism? | Salvation Matters

Home If baptism is necessary for salvation, why did “Jesus Himself…not baptize”? And why did Paul say, “I thank God that I baptized none of you except Crispus and Gaius… For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the Gospel”? Surely, if baptism is necessary to be saved, then Paul would not have made such statements, and …

Two Different Questions: What and When? | Salvation Matters

https://video.wvbs.org The Jordan River did not cleanse Naaman of leprosy; the Pool of Siloam did not heal a man of blindness; and water immersion is not what removes sin from sinners. Such power is found only in the cleansing power of God! But when does God indicate that Jesus’ blood saves a sinner? Join Eric Lyons as he briefly discusses …

Accept All of God’s Word | Salvation Matters

https://video.wvbs.org Relying on isolated Bible verses (to the exclusion of others) leads to many misunderstandings, including about how to be saved from the eternal consequences of sin. Salvation requires a holistic approach; Bible students must consider the entirety of the Last Will and Testament of Jesus Christ. A proper, God-glorifying understanding comes from recognizing the harmony of the entire Bible.

The Chosen

https://video.wvbs.org “Our present lives are the sum of our past choices.” Our choices say a lot about us and who we are. They reveal our values and our motivations. In the same way, God’s choices say much about Him. His track record of choosing to do what is right reveals how He values love, justice and mercy. Join Jim Lloyd …