Biblical Belief and a Key Figure of Speech | Salvation Matters

Home Why does the Bible call repentant, baptized individuals “believers”? If they did more than believe in Jesus, shouldn’t they be called “repenters” or “immersed ones”? Join Eric Lyons as he discusses a common figure of speech that relates to eternally important salvation matters.

AI and the Bible

Home Technology is rapidly advancing. People are constantly creating new programs that are smarter and faster, applying what is called artificial intelligence (AI). But are all technological advances good for us? Some have even created apps that use AI to let us talk to “Jesus”. Can AI give us the answers to the questions we have about the scriptures? Should …

21. Help When My Faith Is Weak | Light of the World (Season 4)

Home No matter how strong we are there is always going to be something or somebody who is stronger. In times of trial when our strength is tested, it is easy to feel weak and unable to withstand the hardship. Join Hiram Kemp and Neal Pollard as they open up the Bible to see what it says about strengthening our …

Ephesians 2:8-9—Grace, Faith, and Works | Salvation Matters

Home Ephesians 2:8-9 rightly emphasizes salvation as a gift from God, not earned by meritorious human works. Just as we cannot revive ourselves from physical death, individuals cannot save themselves from spiritual death. So, does this mean we “do nothing” to receive the free gift of salvation? Join Eric Lyons as he delves into this extremely important and often misunderstood …