Allegedly, God is a murderer. Among other things, He instructed the Israelites to kill countless Canaanites. How can Christians logically and justifiably believe in and serve such a God? Join Eric Lyons as he answers this frequently asked question. Go to for more material, contact information, and ordering information.
Did God Condone Lot Offering His Daughters To Be Raped?
Did God condone Lot’s actions in Genesis 19:8 when he offered his daughters to the men of Sodom? Some contend that Lot’s conduct and the Bible writers’ praise of the patriarch are reasons to reject the God of the Bible. Are they correct? Join Eric Lyons as he looks at this specific context to provide an answer to the atheist’s …
Search Bible Archaeology Pilate Inscription
The life of Jesus recorded by the New Testament is full of specific events, places, and people Jesus encountered. One such example comes from one of the most tragic accounts in human history, the crucifixion of Jesus. During this horrific ordeal, one man stood in a place of authority to affect this trial, Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor. Was Pontius …
Becoming a Christian
From the very first sin by Adam and Eve, humanity has been looking for the Messiah. The consequence of sin requires a Savior to bring us into a right relationship with God. Join Kyle Butt as he looks into the Bible to see God’s plan for how a person becomes a follower of Christ, a Christian. Go to for …
The Cyrus Cylinder
In 1879, a small clay cylinder was found in the ancient city of Babylon. On this cylinder was an inscription about Cyrus, king of the Medo-Persian Empire, and his victory over Babylon. Join Kyle Butt as he discusses the importance of this cylinder and how it confirms the accuracy and inspiration of the Bible. Go to for more material, …
Hezekiah’s Tunnel
Quite often the Bible will make very specific references to a certain person, place, or thing. These statements can be checked using historical and archaeological evidence. One such example is of King Hezekiah and the events mentioned in the Old Testament book of Second Kings. Join Kyle Butt as he presents extra-biblical evidence that proves the accuracy and inspiration of …
The Gallio Inscription
The writer, Luke, recorded many historical details in his writings. Some details, such as the names and positions of government authorities, help us date biblical events and prove the accuracy of the Bible. Gallio, the proconsul mentioned in Acts 18:12, is one example. Join Kyle Butt as he presents extra-biblical evidence that testifies to the Bible’s validity. Go to …
What Is the Church of God?
Over the centuries, various names have been given to diverse religious institutions. When considering God’s Word, the question that should always be asked is: “What has God authorized?” Join Kyle Butt as he discusses how the inspired Scriptures refer to the Church that Jesus bought and died for. Go to for more material, contact information, and ordering information.
How Many Churches Are There?
How many churches are there? Does the Bible authorize denominations? In this video lesson, Kyle Butt will answer these questions and discuss how we can know God’s design for true religion. Go to for more material, contact information, and ordering information.
God Made Sea Creatures
On day five of Creation, the waters were filled with interesting, amazing fish similar to the ones we see today. All sea creatures have unique abilities specifically designed by God. The more our children learn about these animals, the more they will learn about the intelligent God who designed these marvelous creatures. (Written by Kyle Butt and narrated by Jim …