Home Mankind is important to God. So important that He longs for everyone to be in a right relationship with Him. But what does that relationship look like? Is loving God and having faith in Him enough? Join Kevin Rutherford as he compares Romans 4 and James 2 and how we should respond to God’s value of mankind.
Is Technology Hurting God’s People? #shorts
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_AOWALEzIYM Is Technology Hurting God’s People? #shorts
4. Because of God’s Plans for You | You Are Important
Home God has a plan for us. He planned a way for us to be saved. He planned a Kingdom for the saved to join. And He planned a Savior to redeem us from our sins. Join Kevin Rutherford as he discusses our importance because of God’s plans for us.
Find Rest in Jesus
Tired? Come to Jesus and find rest! #shorts #christian
You have to accept it all. #shorts
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpG1W_cL-tk You have to accept it all. #shorts
Official Trailer 2: What Is Gender Dysphoria? | He Made Them Male and Female
Full video titled, “He Made Them Male and Female” coming soon… Stay tuned for its release through: WVBS App (Android and iOS – video.wvbs.org/apps) WVBS Video Website (video.wvbs.org) WVBS YouTube Channel (@wvbs)
It’s time to start building bridges. #Shorts
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mcutl_xkXjg It’s time to start building bridges. #Shorts
A prayer for our leaders. #Shorts
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRp2qPi11Ko While we celebrate Presidents Day in the United States we encourage all to pray for their individual country’s leaders on this day. #shorts
How to be FREE of sin? #christian
How to be FREE of sin? #shorts
Jesus left Heaven for us
Jesus left Heaven for us #shorts