5. Because Mankind Is Important | You Are Important

Home Mankind is important to God. So important that He longs for everyone to be in a right relationship with Him. But what does that relationship look like? Is loving God and having faith in Him enough? Join Kevin Rutherford as he compares Romans 4 and James 2 and how we should respond to God’s value of mankind.

4. Because of God’s Plans for You | You Are Important

Home God has a plan for us. He planned a way for us to be saved. He planned a Kingdom for the saved to join. And He planned a Savior to redeem us from our sins. Join Kevin Rutherford as he discusses our importance because of God’s plans for us.

A prayer for our leaders. #Shorts

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRp2qPi11Ko While we celebrate Presidents Day in the United States we encourage all to pray for their individual country’s leaders on this day. #shorts