Day 7: Bearing the Fruit of the Spirit (Part 2) | Your First Forty Days in the Wilderness
Home Christian’s are called to bear fruit. But what does that fruit look like. Join Troy Spradlin as he looks at Galatians 5 and the characteristics of the fruit of the Spirit in part two of this lesson.
What should we know about the Ten Commandments? #shorts
What should we know about the Ten Commandments? #shorts
New Union Church of Christ Speaker: Lesson: CCLI#11435993
New Union Church of Christ Speaker: Lesson: CCLI#11435993
Benefits of Being In Christ – Great Bible Lessons – The Gospel of Christ – GBL12
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In Christ Alone | Salvation Matters
Home In the Bible, physical salvation was repeatedly found in specific places, such as in Noah’s ark during the Flood or in houses marked with a lamb’s blood during the Exodus. Similarly, spiritual salvation from sin is found only in Jesus Christ. Are you safe in the Household of Christ? Are you a member of Jesus’ Church?