What is the Meaning of Life? #shorts
New Union Church of Christ
Speaker: Lesson: CCLI#11435993
How to read the Bible. #shorts
How to read the Bible. #shorts
18. Six Things God Wants to Say to Everyone | Light of the World (Season 4)
Home Humanity is privileged to not only have the ability to speak to God but also to have a God who speaks to us through His word. Despite having access to His word, some want God to speak directly to them because they do not know His will for them. Join Hiram Kemp and Neal Pollard as they discuss six …
Were Jesus and Paul Against Baptism? | Salvation Matters
Home If baptism is necessary for salvation, why did “Jesus Himself…not baptize”? And why did Paul say, “I thank God that I baptized none of you except Crispus and Gaius… For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the Gospel”? Surely, if baptism is necessary to be saved, then Paul would not have made such statements, and …
Blessed are those who hunger. #shorts
Blessed are those who hunger. #shorts
Receiving Eternal Life
What does the Bible teach about receiving gifts from God and, especially, about receiving the gift of salvation? A vital truth that many seem to have missed is that something can be a gift from God, even though conditions must be met for that gift to be received. Go to http://www.apologeticspress.org/ for more material, contact information, and ordering information.
New Union Church of Christ
Speaker: Lesson: CCLI#11435993
New Union Church of Christ
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75mDFh0AhZs Speaker: Lesson: CCLI#11435993