Home God wants everyone to go to heaven. While Jesus said that many will take the road to hell and few will take the road to heaven, God wants everyone to be saved. Because of His love for us, God has placed hills on the road to hell to help prevent us from going there. Join Neal Pollard and Hiram …
How can you be pure in heart? #shorts
How can you be pure in heart? #shorts
Salvation Principles and Relevant Commands
What does the Bible teach about receiving gifts from God and, especially, about receiving the gift of salvation? A vital truth that many seem to have missed is that something can be a gift from God, even though conditions must be met for that gift to be received. Go to http://www.apologeticspress.org/ for more material, contact information, and ordering information.
New Union Church of Christ
Speaker: Lesson: CCLI#11435993
New Union Church of Christ
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TD2dNKRsMgg Speaker: Lesson: CCLI#11435993
Zephaniah & Haggai – Old Testament Books – The Gospel of Christ – OTB 35
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Allow John 3 to Explain John 3:16 | Salvation Matters
https://video.wvbs.org In the preliminary sense of the word, to “believe” in Jesus means to mentally acknowledge that He is the Son of God and man’s one and only Savior. A John 3:16 type of saving faith certainly includes this sense of believing, but it also comprises much more, as John chapter 3 demonstrates.
What is the Meaning of Life? #shorts
What is the Meaning of Life? #shorts