Houe to House Heart to Heart has partnered with Mike Hixson to bring you a new magazine style program that showcases encouraging programing for families.
Count Your Blessings | Truth on Wheels
In this episode, Don gives a detailed tour of his handicap-accessible truck and shares the struggles he faces daily when driving. From the difficulties of accessibility to the extra effort required just to go places, he offers insight into the challenges many people may not realize. Despite these challenges, he reflects on the blessing of mobility and the importance of …
What Must I Do to be Saved?
What Must I Do to be Saved?
The importance of Godly confrontation
How To Not Get Tricked By False Teaching Think Deeper Podcast Joe Wilkie
The Age of Accountability
Home At what age should a person be baptized? This is a question that the religious world has often debated with the appropriate age range varying from newborn child to adult. But what does the Bible have to say about the appropriate age to be baptized? Join Don Blackwell as he looks at scripture to determine the age of accountability.
Figurative Language (Part 2) | How to Interpret the Bible | HGS 230
Join Gary Hampton as he begins a study of how can study the Bible effectively and be confident in the interpretations of the truth within! 📖 HEARING GOD SPEAK: HOW TO INTERPRET THE BIBLE PLAYLIST: 📲 DOWNLOAD OUR APP: Download Our App 🕸 VISIT US ON THE WEB: www.gbntv.org #bible #gbn #gospelbroadcastingnetwork #hearinggodspeak #timothy #2timothy #study #godsword #churchofchrist #church
Your Forever Home (Eternal)
Put on the whole armor of God!
Hearing God
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New Union Church of Christ
Speaker: Lesson: CCLI#11435993
What Makes a Congregation Strong? | Counterpoint with Mike Hixson & BJ Clarke
In today’s episode of Counterpoint, Mike and BJ discuss what makes a congregation strong. They talk about the eldership of a congregation, strong preaching, not using denominational ‘gimmicks’, and teaching the fundamentals to our family. 📺 WATCH COUNTERPOINT: New episodes of Counterpoint will be available to watch every Wednesday here on YouTube! 📲 Watch episodes of Counterpoint at ANY TIME …