Home The Bible is made up of real events happening to real people in real places. There are many different characters in the Bible who provide both good and bad examples. Join Neal Pollard and Hiram Kemp as they discuss the men and women that make up scripture and how they can encourage us in our faith.
What do we know about God’s Justice? #shorts
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrqedCNxRW4 What do we know about God’s Justice? #shorts
Two Different Questions: What & When?
The Jordan River did not cleanse Naaman of leprosy; the Pool of Siloam did not heal a man of blindness; and water immersion is not what removes sin from sinners. Such power is found only in the cleansing power of God! But when does God indicate that Jesus’ blood saves a sinner? Join Eric Lyons as he briefly discusses the …
New Union Church of Christ
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vibcW54zXrA Speaker: Lesson: CCLI#11435993
New Union Church of Christ
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCNt7NVF7LI Speaker: Lesson: CCLI#11435993
There’s a great day coming!
There’s a great day coming, a great day coming; There’s a great day coming by and by, When the saints and the sinners shall be parted right and left, Are you ready for that day to come? Are you ready? Are you ready? Are you ready for the judgment day? Are you ready? Are you ready? For the judgment day? …
Is it Possible to Fall from Grace? | Salvation Matters
Home By the grace of God, anyone can be saved and stay saved! But do not mistake Christ’s love, the power of His soul-cleansing blood, or the promise of spiritual safety for a free pass to become disloyal to the King of kings without suffering eternal consequences. Though many have bought into the false doctrine that Christians can never fall …
Do you struggle with depression? #shorts
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-qxJhRypUU Do you struggle with depression? #shorts
Why is this biblical temple so important? #shorts
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDyagNiaP90 Why is this biblical temple so important? #shorts
Biblical Belief and a Key Figure of Speech | Salvation Matters
Home Why does the Bible call repentant, baptized individuals “believers”? If they did more than believe in Jesus, shouldn’t they be called “repenters” or “immersed ones”? Join Eric Lyons as he discusses a common figure of speech that relates to eternally important salvation matters.